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tv   BBC World News  PBS  August 31, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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>> at the mission is over. united states formally ends its combat role in iraq. four israelis are killed on the west bank. and drilling on the escape tunnel to free 33 trapped miners. welcome to "bbc world news." i am peter dobbie. coming up later for you, two men are arrested, but they say they were not organizing an attack. and be smart phone -- the smart phone app that could save lives.
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the united states has formally declared in into a combat mission in iraq, seven and a half years after the original invasion. the last brigade left a fortnight ago, but 50,000 troops will stay to train iraqi forces. the prime minister has declared his country up would sovereign and independent." president obama is marking the event with an address from the oval office. our correspondent is in baghdad. >> as a senator, barack obama voted against the invasion of iraq and warned against the dangers it would bring to the united states and iraq itself. as president, he is in charge of indian american combat operations here. -- he is in charge of ending the american combat operations here. >> i am going to make a speech to the nation tonight. it is not going to be a victory
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lap. it is not want to be self congratulatory. there is still a lot of work we have got to do. to make sure iraq is an effective partner with us. >> this is not yet a country of peace, and it may not be for a long time. after seven years of violence, it is a country that feels itself to be free once again. the acting prime minister, nouri al maliki, announced today that iraq was once more sovereign and independent. the point of the american involvement here, supposedly, was to liberate the iraqi people and perhaps to start a domino effect against other middle eastern dictatorships. all that really happened as a result of the invasion in the short run was saddam hussein was overthrown and the whole country was laid waste. the invasion took power away
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from the minority sunni moslems and gave it to the shi'a majority. >> it was essentially a disaster. the worst disaster. >> worse than saddam himself? >> definitely worse than saddam. >> the military campaign was devastating. political fallout was marred by carelessness and lack of interest. president bush, shortly before the invasion, seems not to know that iraq was split into sunni and shi'a. his secretary of defense dumped a lengthy memo on how to administrate in iraq right into his waistband. hundreds of millions of dollars have vanished.
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donald rooms filled agreed to abolish the -- rums fell to agree to abolish the iraqi army with a single phone call. -- rumsfeld. terrible violence followed. things started to change in 2008 when american tactics improve radically and the civil war began to burn itself out. americans paid sunni leaders, five of them, against the insurgents. >> it was right to remove saddam, but now we have to find a way to live in peace with our shi'a brothers. >> there is still sectarian violence here, much more than before. iraq must make a new life for itself. johnson said, bbc news, baghdad. >> now on the eve of peace
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talks, four israelis have been shot dead on the west bank. a pregnant woman was among those shot. this is the first fatal shooting in the west bank since the middle of june. our correspondent reports. >> this is the car in which the four jewish settlers were traveling when they were ambushed. each white label marks a single bullet hole. the dead are two men and two women. one of the women was pregnant. israel has launched a massive manhunt, closing of roads. angry settlers are already taking to the streets, demanding a price for jewish blood. the attack happened in a volatile area of the west bank. the settlers were ambushed here. it is believed there were on
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their way home to a small settlements. close by is have ron, in the past and major flashpoint -- hebron, in the past on major flashpoint for violence. >> this comes on the eve of the first face-to-face talks between the israelis and palestinians in close to two years. whoever carried out the attacks wants to derail the talks in washington. the prime suspect is the islamist movement hamas. live from the gaza strip hamas called it a natural response to israeli occupation. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned the killings as a crime. it is an inauspicious start to peace talks, but many are already saying there is little
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hope for success. bbc news, jerusalem. >> trade unions representing public sector workers in south africa who have been on strike for three weeks say there has been annual wage offer. the government raised their offer after the president called for new tents at reconciliation. mexican federal police have captured one of the most wanted drug traffickers. he is thought to be involved in one of mexico's of major drug cartels. the former cuban president fidel castro has said eu was ultimately responsible for the persecution of gay men following the revolution of 1959. in a lengthy interview, he says he thought of the execution as a great injustice, but in the
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early years after the revolution, and he had "to many other problems to deal with." drilling has begun on the rescue shaft to free the miners trapped in chile. they have been underground longer than any other miners in history. as james reynolds reports, union lobbyists had been lobbying to shut down the mine because of its safety record long before the disaster. >> this is the moment that the drilling of the main rescue shaft began. [cheering] you can see how happy it may be engineers. this afternoon, we watched the work continue. expect to go 15 years into the ground. the chilean government said the rescue could take up to four months to complete. the plan is to drill and narrow shaft down to the miners almost half a mile below.
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a larger shaft will then be created using a bit of kit. the tons of debris falling back down the mine will have to be cleared away by the trapped miners. finally, the miners will be lifted up one by one. nasa has come to give it rescuers their advice. >> what we want to avoid is any kind of situation of hopelessness on the part of the miners. and all the interaction so far, trying to provide them with food and water in contact with families is trying to work towards getting their spirits up. >> proper -- copper mining is out chile makes money. the price has risen in recent years. that means that mines in this region have reopened. this mine was closed in 2007 because of accidents, but it was allowed to start up again a year later. and that's worries these minors.
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-- miners. he has worked in the minds since 1967. >> the most experienced miners knew the accident would happen. we warned the company about it. no one listened to us. asked mine's owners have for forgiveness. the families waiting outside in -- for the families waiting outside the mine, that may not be enough. bbc news, chile. >> five u.s. soldiers have been killed by a roadside bomb in eastern afghanistan. according to the top commander in afghanistan, general david petraeus, the militants still retain the initiative in some parts of the country. the indian economy has become
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the second fastest growing in the world. strong industrial and mining at outcome helped boost output. only china's economy is growing faster. u.n. officials in pakistan have begun an appeal for more helicopters to reach communities cut off by flooding. only four -- only 4% of those are being reached. it is hoped the worst of the floods may now be over. three people have been arrested here in london in connection with the alleged cricket betting scam. three of the cricketers at the center of the allegations, including the captain, are likely to play again until the scandal is over.
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the illegal betting industry is on multimillion-dollar business. >> cricket is not the only pastime going on in the back streets of lahore. it may be a legal here, but secretly, and apartments and shops across the city, there are gamblers and bookmakers. as soon as it gets dark, we get to meet some of the most notorious of bookies. they are reluctant to show their faces as they explain the system of matchmaking. it is like a drug, says one of them. everything leads to one place or another. it has been going on for years. the cricket administrators based here in the war say they are
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determined to root out gambling -- here i am all for, say they are determined to root out gambling. maybe it is too much to ask the country to stamp out cricket when it pervades some many aspects of the society. it is not just pakistan. it casts a shadow over the recent premiere league season. there are many reports of players being approached by bookies. >> some have admitted they had been approached. they have not succumbed to it. it would be naive of me to think that would succumb to the temptation -- that no one would succumb to the temptation. >> but most pakastanis recognize that something dramatic has to be done it now. they fear the damage done to their country's reputation, not just in sporting terms. bbc news, law or.
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-- lahore. >> coming up, we celebrate two giants of cinema. now, for a fifth month in a row, the european union faces unemployment figures at a record high. nearly 60 million people still do not have a lot. germany and austria saw a slight fall in the number of people out of work. nigel cassidy has the story. >> unemployment has eased a very slightly in the euro is done. the numbers waiting in line for work remains staggeringly high. it is up to 20.3% in its bank.
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at the netherlands, and inflated came in at a modest 3.8%. somewhere between bid to but is italy, where it has dropped slightly. the industry has managed to on to more workers. >> unemployment is putting downward pressure on the compensation in people's pay. my guess is that will continue. the consequence will be the european central bank will maintain low interest rates for some time. >> meanwhile, 1.6% was welcomed as of step in the rights direction. it further convince the financial markets and european central bank -- inflation has been high, and sales tax has
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risen in several countries. many believe that inflation is unlikely to spike in the coming months, especially as oil prices have remained weaker. nigel cassidy, bbc news. >> the latest headlines -- coming to life -- coming to you live from london, this is peter dobbie. united states has formally ended its combat role in iraq, seven and a half years after the invasion. and drilling has started in chile on the escape tunnel for the 33 trapped miners. serious questions are being asked about the american airport security today after two men from yemen were arrested in amsterdam. they were allowed onto and united airlines aircraft from chicago, even though a mobile telephone was found taped to a bottle of medicine in one of
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the suspects luggage. it is not now believe that the men were planning an attack. >> the moment the two yemeni nationals were confronted on united airlines flight. there are still being held on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack. the fbi now concludes their journey was not on dry run it designed to test airport security. the two men of the from chicago, illinois. their baggage went without them on a terminal flight to dallas -- dulles airport. by an extraordinary coincidence, they both missed their flights. when customs officials discovered their bags were traveling behind -- without them, they open them to find mobile funds take together. another was -- mobile phones
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taped together. >> this monday morning, two men were arrested. they had arrived on a flight from chicago, which arrived at 9:50 in amsterdam. the arrest took place on the basis of information from u.s. authorities. the two men were of yemeni nationality. they were supposed to be traveling to yemen. >> security is tight on the street. last year and nigerian -- i nigerian student was arrested on a flight traveling the other way to detroit. on this occasion, there were two federal air marshals on the flight. the two men sat close to each other, but they are now said to have known each other. if a passenger at this is a
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connecting flight, their bassett -- their baggage is supposed to be unloaded. there are still uncomfortable questions. as to the contents, officials say it is not unusual for mobile phones and watches to be brought together in this way, particularly on a flight bound for yemen. bbc news. >> france has announced as unacceptable insults' derogatory statements concerning the french president's wife, carla bruni. india is delaying a ban on blackberry devices for 60 days while they review reports. the ban had been threatened because india's security services wanted greater access to anchor it did services. it wants the ability to monitor secure e-mail and instead messaging services provided by the canadian firm.
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if you go to your doctor with a chest complaint, you could be examined with as smart phone these days rather than a stethoscope. and new app allows doctors to monitor a patient's heartbeat. we have this. >> when it comes to listening to your heart beat, little has changed. 50 years ago, a doctor would have used a stethoscope. today, the procedure remains much the same. but now you can get your heart checked out with a mobile phone. this is a computer scientist who has designed a smart phone app. it uses the funds microphone to give an accurate read out that can be e-mailed to a doctor. >> said that is your heart? >> it is your heart.
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>> yes. >> it seems like a gimmick, but it can be used by thousands of doctors and their patients. >> with this application, they can sample their own heart and e-mail. >> be stethoscope is a simple and excellent bit of technology that has not changed much since the 1940's. yes, i can hear my heart beating. applications like these make it easier to collect and share medical data. until recently, mobile phones were banned from most hospitals. now it seems that doctors regard them as essential tools. this cardiologists mourns there are some things it can not there. >> there is no substitute for some aspects of the doctor- patient relationship. >> it may be a while yet before
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the trusty stethoscope wielded by a proper doctor goes out of fashion. bbc news. >> now, they are two grades of cinema. -- greats of cinema. and one of their masterpieces has been rereleased. it is regarded as one of the masterpieces of european cinema. david hammer has been looking at the work of the remarkable composer and his relationship with one of the top directors of our time. [unintelligible] >> the meeting of two great masters of cinema. at a director and a composer and a great battalion at that on the decline of sicilian aristocracy -- a great italian
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epic on the decline of sicilian aristocracy. what is extraordinary about him is his ability to become the kind of music that the great filmmakers wanted, often very intuitively, often suggesting things they had not even thought of. ♪ >> the theme music to "godfather ii" won him an oscar. but he wrote some 150 film scores. "romeong zefferelli's and juilet," and some of
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fellini's greatest productions. >> with fellini and this county -- visconti in particular -- they would say, i was thinking vests, and fellini in particular would say -- i was thinking this. and he would say, that is a good idea. and he would play something that was a bit like that. and he would be like, "oh, that is much better." ♪ [speaking italian] think this is what a film
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would be. the symphony sounds exactly like the 19th century. and the book of the film is very much based on the paintings of -- and the look of the film is very much based on the paintings of the period. i think what is interesting about all of that, particularly the symphony, is it has the freshness it would at that and in the 19th century. -- it would have had in the 19th century. >> one of the masterpieces of european cinema, and the genius of visconti on screen again for new generations. >> do not forget you can keep up-to-date with all of our top stories here on "bbc world
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news." visit the web site -- /news. that is our web address. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold. get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from
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